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fruits and vegetables – For the Best Gardeners in the Cardiff Area Sun, 01 Feb 2015 20:05:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Your Questions About Gardening Fri, 21 Feb 2014 13:05:02 +0000

Robert asks…

Why do people from Chicago and New York think they get the best food?

I live west of the Mississippi where we actually have the space to grow our own food or at least know the people who grow it. I know my beef is grass fed and organic because I am friends with rancher who raised it. I know my fruits and vegetables are fresh because I grew them myself. Sure maybe New Yorkers get great processed meats, but so what. The only processed meats I eat are from the dear I shot last fall.

GardenersCardiff answers:

Yeah you guys are just hating. I have huge Chicago pride and I live in NYC lol. So there goes that….
Anyway, there’s a very logical reason as to why that is. NYC is growing very popular on making everything organic nowadays, too. That’s beside the point, the reason why we have the best food is because you can LITERALLY find every single type of food here. There are lots and lots and lots of immigrants, and therefore we have access to a lot of different things. Why do we say NYC has the best pizza? Because we do, because people straight out of Italy make them. It’s simple, we have grandma’s cooking, because she came here from Spain to cook for us… That’s why.

Edit: and that is why SF people like the smell of their own farts. So full of yourselves =).

David asks…

What is the most dangerous diff between the 1930’s depression and the current one?

In the 1930’s 50% of the people were growing their own food. Now only 2% are?

GardenersCardiff answers:

We are not in a depression… We are in a recession… There is a HUGE difference

Mandy asks…

Is there a clean fresh water lake in Washington State with plenty of fish?

Looking for a place to move and to become more independent including growing my own food in a garden. Prefer milder weather : not too hot, not too cold.

GardenersCardiff answers:

Clean water lakes in washington are high in the mountains and that land belongs to national forest and wilderness projects……sorry and it gets damn cold in the winter up there.and about 5 to 20 some foot of snow….

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Your Questions About Gardening Sun, 10 Mar 2013 12:05:02 +0000

Joseph asks…

Do you have your own fruit/vegetable garden?

What sort of things do you grow? Why did you decide to grow your own fruit/vegetables? Do your kids help and does it help them want to try a variety of foods?

GardenersCardiff answers:

We’re going to try again this year, and this year I think we’ll be using mostly pots. The fireants and the soil here is just too hard to deal with. I plan on tomatoes, some pumpkins, sweet-peas, squash, some carrots. Because I grew up with a veggie garden and loved it as a child, and it’s sort of a nudged thing in my religion in order to be more self-reliant. My kids will help, and in the past every time I’ve done this every child I’ve had help (from my own to nieces/nephews) ALWAYS ate more veggies because they helped grow them.

Sandra asks…

Do you grow your own fruits and vegetables?

GardenersCardiff answers:

I don’t but my mum likes gardening. We’ve got a vegetable patch in the garden with all sorts of vegetables, including: tomatoes, potatoes, spinach…. We’ve also got mint leaves growing as well. And we’ve got an apple tree, cherry tree and pear tree. And we’ve got some strawberries and blueberries growing too. But we also buy fruit and vegetables from the shops as well.

Carol asks…

do you grow your own fruit and vegetables?

GardenersCardiff answers:


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Your Questions About Gardening Thu, 06 Dec 2012 12:05:01 +0000

John asks…

Is it a sin in America to grow & consume your own vegetables , will you go to hell for doing so ?

H.R. 875

Is it a sin yet ?

GardenersCardiff answers:

It is not a sin, just government trying to reign in the populus and have us more firmly under their thumb. Government doesn’t want free thinkers, just dumb followers. It is scary what Gov’t is doing and not telling.

Betty asks…

What type of incentive would persuade you to grow your own fruits and vegetables?

GardenersCardiff answers:

Having the space for a garden, a free supply of seeds, a shorter work week, and a tax write off.

That’s all I would need. Oh, and maybe someone to come over and weed the garden for free, but that’s not a deal breaker just a bonus.

Susan asks…

How much better is it really to grow your own fruit and vegetables, particularly organically?

GardenersCardiff answers:

Organic gardening is the best! You should try it. Be prepared for a big harvest and you will have to can, freeze, or give away a lot of stuff cuz it all comes at once.

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Your Questions About Gardening Tue, 08 May 2012 12:05:01 +0000

Chris asks…

Which is more environmentally friendly: growing your own vegetables or buying them from the store?

GardenersCardiff answers:

Growing your own vegetables.

* You can grow them organically without pesticides and chemical weed killers.
* you can make compost to make your soil richer (which uses up leftover vegs and fruits, plus weeds and even pet manure, and the stalks / plant material from dead vegetable plants, instead of sending all that stuff to a landfill)
* you can use “second hand water” from your washing machine / rain barrels / doing dishes
* you can grow them without using heavy machinery that uses up fossil fuels
* they’re local, so you don’t have to use energy or resources to ship them, package them, clean them or resell them in a grocery store with artificial light and cooling systems

The next best option would be to go to an organic food cooperative, but those vegetables still have to be shipped, packaged, cleaned and re-sold.

Think globally, act locally – right?

Michael asks…

Can seeds from store bought fruits and vegetables be planted to grow your own vegetables or fruits?

Can seeds from store bought fruits and vegetables be planted to grow your own vegetables or fruits?
I have wondered this for the longest time. If so, how do you do it, are there any websites that show you how to do it?


GardenersCardiff answers:

The trouble with saving seeds from store bought fruit and veggies is that most of them these days are hybrids, or from grafts. And of course, all vegetables don’t have seeds. The seeds will grow a plant/tree, but the plant probably won’t produce, or if it does the fruit will be inferior. If you want to give it a try, make sure the product is thoroughly ripe. If not, the seeds won’t be mature enough to be viable. Different methods of recovering the seeds from different fruits have been devised, but in most cases you can simply hand pick seeds, dry them in a cool, low humidity location and store them in paper bags, again in a cool dry place, until you are ready to plant them. There are dozens of online articles and sites specific to seed saving for about any fruit and veggie you can think of.

Sandy asks…

Growing your own fruit and vegetables?

Can anyone give me ideas for growing your own produce. Problem is I have no room for a greenhouse and have a hard landscaped garden with no available borders. I was thinking of getting a couple of woodern frames to put on the patio to grow a few things. Other problem is: I travel a lot and struggle with watering of plants. Have you any ideas how I could overcome this? xx

GardenersCardiff answers:

Grow bags and an automatic watering system. You can get all the stuff you need at any decent garden centre.

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Your Questions About Gardening Fri, 27 Apr 2012 12:05:02 +0000

Nancy asks…

Can you save money growing your own food?

Although I currently live in an apartment, I’m very interested in the practice of urban homesteading and being more self-reliant. I’m interested in the possibility of renting space in a community garden and growing vegetables. Has anyone on here ever done that? I don’t know anything about gardening and am interested in learning, any suggestions? Any urban homesteaders out there?

GardenersCardiff answers:

Yep…. But that’s AFTER you pay for the canning equipment… The boiling pans, jars, lids, seals, pitters, coring devices, etc….. Then the next year, that’s not part of the cost….. But that first outlay is a doozie, unless you can find someone with lot of jars to give away!….

The first year or two it might be good for you to just learn to grow things…. And only grow what you will eat in the harvest season… Tomatoes, cukes, beans, lettuce, etc… And not worry about canning for the winter…. Lots of things can be frozen, too, ya know…. Learn all you can from the Extension Office literature on both ways to keep your foods…..

Then, when you’re feeling competent in growing things and know you have good soil and great sunlight and are used to the work that’s involved, THEN get into things like corn, fruits and berrys…. That you will put up for later… You’ll have better success once you’re more sure of your abilities…..and you won’t make dumb mistakes like I did…. Planted nine zuchinni plants!!…. DUH!!!!…. LOL!!!>…

Laura asks…

If you had to, could you survive by growing your own food?

I’ve decided to take gardening lessons, although my
green thumb is pretty decent. I want to be less
dependent on others for my food. Could you survive
without a delivery truck, or a supermarket?

GardenersCardiff answers:

I think that I would be able to survive by growing my own food, if I could do it properly. My meal(s) would consist only of fruits and vegetables, but that would be okay. I’d be a whole lot more healthier anyway.

William asks…

Do you plan on raising/growing your own food when you grow up?

You know, vegetable garden, chickens, goats, cows, and if you eat meat, pigs and rabbits?

I seem to be the only person I know who wants to do this. Would you want to? I think it would be fun.

GardenersCardiff answers:

If thats what you like then, thats cool:)

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Your Questions About Gardening Tue, 06 Mar 2012 11:05:03 +0000

Donna asks…

Why is growing your own vegetables good for sustainability?

Why is growing your own vegetables good for sustainability?

GardenersCardiff answers:

It is not. It is, however, part of “feel-good-ism.” It FEELS good to so it, but lends nothing to the earth’s so-called “sustainability.”

I made that last part up myself. – Thumper

Maria asks…

When growing your own vegetables, do you have to worry about salmonella?

What is the cause of salmonella? My garden-grown vegetables are safe from salmonella, right?

GardenersCardiff answers:

Salmonella and Escherichia coli (or e.coli) are passed on to edible plants when manure (of any kind) has one or both bacteria and has not been properly composted but is used as fertilizer anyway. The bacterium goes into the soil and is taken up by the plants through vascular absorption (or systemically) and is INSIDE the plant and fruit or vegetable tissue – so the bacteria cannot be washed off.

If you use chemical fertilizers, none at all or properly heated manure compost – and there are any harmful organisms in the manure they will be killed by the heat (during proper heat composting) and using the compost is fine. You still should wash all your fruits and vegetables before consuming them ;-). I hope this information was helpful.

Mandy asks…

Is it worthwhile growing your own vegetables such as tomatoes?

Can you save money growing your own tomatoes and other vegetables or is it cheaper to just get them in the shops?

GardenersCardiff answers:

Depends on many things like how good the soil is and how much it costs you to water the plants. If you have to buy $75 worth of compost and fertilizer to grow….. Ultimately it would be cheaper to buy them in the store.

The point is this…. It is certainly no more expensive to grow your own tomatoes in most cases…. And the end product is VASTLY better than what you find in the store.

Vine ripened tomatoes are the best….. And you simply cannot find them in stores (because it is almost impossible to ship a ripe tomato…. So they pick them long before they are ripe to make sure they survive shipping….. And this results in tomatoes that taste like cardboard).

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